I was a huge fan of Game Development Camp, and as such I decided to volunteer for the camp. I became the responsible of web and technology at the camp. Meaning I made sure everything works as intended for all of our student, and that all git repositories were setup correctly for a nice workflow for our students. 
My responsibility was also to teach git to our student. Furthermore, I helped with teaching our young students (age 15-19) how to program for Unity. 
The wall of pictures you see below is a summary of the games I have helped create.
There's also a small trailer I edited, for the Camp's organizers, to let people know what the camp has in store for all us volunteers.
We taught our students to show progress, so a group had fun making this :)
We taught our students to show progress, so a group had fun making this :)
Christoffer (Left), Peder(Right), and I (Middle)
Christoffer (Left), Peder(Right), and I (Middle)
Wall of ideas and visual thinking from our students
Wall of ideas and visual thinking from our students
Sketch by students during pitching
Sketch by students during pitching
The wall to ask for our help
The wall to ask for our help
Waiting for our students
Waiting for our students
Group picture (2018)
Group picture (2018)
Happy to show progress
Happy to show progress
GDC 2020 - Going Digital
In 2020, something happened, that shifted the plans of our camp. Corona. We had to make a decision either close the camp for that year, or go digital, we chose the later. So with lot of determination from us, we planed everything digitally. My job was to get the digital part working, meaning normally we have computers which we known the specifications of. However this year we didn't know which computers we would end up with.
As a result we couldn't set up the programs before hand. So I decided to record and edit an installation guide for people to follow. So that each group could get prepared for the camp on their own. This worked out great, with only few hitches. One of which was git, not being nice on some computers. However my helper, Jonas Kristensen, and I figured out the solution together. So that whenever we ran into the problem we knew how to fix it.
Teaching at IWDK
As part of wanting to help a broader audience with Game Development, Thim Daniel Hansen and I, held an event as part of IWDK to teach Game Development to a younger audience. Below is a recording of the Live event.
Aalborg University - Student Counselor
My work as a student counselor is to help people with their studies. For me this sometime includes helping previous semesters with their course study. So far I have held two study sessions which allowed
students to get help with understanding math (Math for Multi-Media Applications)
as well as programming (Programming for Interaction).

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