So I went to a school called Learnmark Horsens HTX - With a study line of Information Technology.
This meant learning a bunch of fundamentals about tech, programming and the likes. Everything from dissasmbling laptops, building database architecture, to doing video essays on games, and building online multiplayer games in Unity. We also build a small project on a custom google assistant kit. This is just a small list of the stuff we went through here.

Disassembling Laptops

Database Architecture

Seminar in weird Research

English Video about Game Development

Scratch Game - Main Screen break down

Scratch Game
This project I vividly remember as being really difficult. This was the first time I programmed with network code. We were tasked with making a game, with only very few constraints. I came up with the Idea of a Kahoot like game, but instead of just tapping a box on your phone, this game had you platforming to the right answer.
My job was to get multiplayer up and running. Meaning I had to do all the network code, as well as making sure that our project had a red line throughout. Our prototype did end up working - after spending many long nights researching how to do networked code :) - One note here is that Unity was beyond the scope of what the teacher could teach, and as such my only resources was scouring the web for information.

Ball Game and SFML
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We did a report on this, and if you wanna read further, I recommend having a look at that.

Gource Represantation of Our Folder Structure

4-player game with simple physics
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