So my first time using ECS, was actually a few year prior to this. I experimented with it back on the initial release, but I wasn't really getting the hang of it, and didn't find need to continue studying it until recently - So when I finally came back to try it out, a lot had changed, and I managed to get grasp of it right away.
But I needed a project to try it out on, and as I'm currently working on a Non-Euclidian game we wanted gravity to shift around with the player. So I started working on it. When I got it working I also build a tool on top of it, to show different gravity field's, and the properties, which you can see on left.
And the video bellow shows how effective the system was.
After the video, we obviously had a lot to work with, soon after we fixed up the stuttering, which was actually pretty easy, I just forgot to enable Interpolation of the model through the physics step, and as we were using Unity Physics, that was just a dropdown. I then went on to built a system that enabled us to jump.
Initial Movement, but angular velocity obviously needed to change
Initial Movement, but angular velocity obviously needed to change
Tweaking some settings
Tweaking some settings
And obviously since it's DOTS, we had to play with adding more objects to the scene. No hitches, and it worked great. 
My current experience with is great, and I am really excited to see where it is heading. There's really great about being performant by default, and the scaling ability is just an added bonus.

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